Linear Motion System from Rexroth Reduces Unproductive Delivery Times
In high-volume production, users achieve a considerably higher productivity by means of lower transport times with the Linear Motion System (LMS) from Rexroth. The system is based on standard linear motors, where the workpiece carriers can be run independently. It positions workpieces precisely to within 10 µm, so that processing can start immediately without correction or transshipping to another assembly platform. This reduces unproductive delivery and idle times.
In high-volume production of microchips, the LMS already proved to be extremely reliable. Now Rexroth provides the system solution also for other applications, for example in the automotive industry, and is finely scaled to cover workpiece weights from one up to 1.000 kilograms. With several motors, users flexibly assemble also longer process lines as an oval, as parallel lines or in different levels. Thereby, they can also combine the LMS later on with existing transport solutions like conveyor belts.
The system displays complex movement patterns that, for example, are necessary with different cycle times in the several process stations. The individual workpieces here follow individually defined speeds and positions. Due to high dynamics and speeds from up to 6 meters per second it reduces the delivery times compared to conveyor belts.
The unproductive idle times decrease additionally, because processing and assembly steps are possible directly on the transport unit. Whereas, with common transfer systems the carriers need to be unloaded at the individual stations and transferred into a processing position. This is no longer required with LMS, whose transport units steadily remain on the defined position, without affecting the flow of other workpieces. The linear motors operate without contact and thus maintenance-free. Furthermore, LMS requires less carriers compared to conventional systems. This reduces overall system costs due to a lower number of necessary Ident systems, sensors and actuators.
Economical, precise, safe, and energy efficient: drive and control technology from Bosch Rexroth moves machines and systems of any size. The company bundles global application experience in the market segments of Mobile Applications, Machinery Applications and Engineering, and Factory Automation to develop innovative components as well as tailored system solutions and services. Bosch Rexroth offers its customers hydraulics, electric drives and controls, gear technology, and linear motion and assembly technology all from one source. With locations in over 80 countries, more than 31,100 associates generated sales revenue of approximately 5.4 billion euros in 2015.
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