All You Need to Know About Vehicle Safety at Work
Work-related vehicle risks account for 29 percent of all fatal occupational accidents. However, good practices to avoid and reduce these risks have already been implemented within the member states in the EU. Sharing them can help employers and workers to improve vehicle-related safety.
The VeSafe e-guide is an interactive one-stop shop for information on vehicle-related risks at work. It covers safe driving, workplace transport and working on or near a road. A joint effort by EU-OSHA and the European Commission, the guide includes many examples of good practice and an overview of relevant regulations. It’s free and easy to use, and you can filter the information by risk or vehicle type.
With this interactive e-guide many good practices are provided as well as an overview of relevant regulations and information in three key aspects of vehicle risks:
- safe driving for work
- workplace transport safety
- working on or near a road.
The e-guide will provide you with an overview of the legal requirements, key risks(management) and effective good practices relating to work related vehicle use in the workplace and on the road. It also gives you good examples on how to act on vehicle related risks, to create a safer work place for your workers.
The e-guide is hosted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work while the editorial content is maintained by DG EMPL .