Vaisala turns on First Units of its OptimusTM Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) Monitors for Transformers for Clients Globally
Vaisala, a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement, is working with power utilities, maintenance providers and asset owners to bring the first commercial units of its OptimusTM DGA Monitor for Transformers online. In recent months, Vaisala has delivered Optimus units to various customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the Americas and Asia. Vaisala looks to keep pace with demand and an expected increase in production in 2018.
As transformer fleets continue to age, the likelihood of faults and failure increases accordingly. Real-time condition monitoring enables asset owners to identify and address potential issues before they result in costly failure, reducing maintenance costs and boosting production and performance.
While various DGA methods are widely used in the international power generation and transmission sector for these very reasons, the OptimusTM DGA Monitor brings a number of practical, time- and cost-saving benefits to the table that will dramatically improve transformer maintenance and minimize power plant disruption.
A More Practical Approach to Condition Monitoring
Vaisala's Optimus monitors transformer oil for the presence of moisture and seven different gases. By tracking real-time levels of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, ethylene and acetylene, it gives asset owners a comprehensive understanding of the condition and health of a transformer, enabling them to make informed proactive maintenance decisions.
While many DGA systems available in the market source equipment and sensors from different manufacturers, the infrared sensor technology used in the Optimus has been developed in-house by Vaisala, benefitting from decades of industrial measurement expertise. This integrated approach, using only Vaisala-manufactured sensors and equipment, ensures optimal performance regardless of operational conditions.
In addition, the Optimus DGA Monitor's installation process is simple, and the unit is designed and delivered to enable asset owners to install and bring the device online independently and in under two hours. Once installed the device delivers reliable results in real-time through a browser-based user interface.
Most significantly, Optimus uses vacuum gas extraction and hermetically sealed and protected optics to completely eliminate the false alarms of the kind that frequently afflict on-site DGA systems. Optimus ensures high quality gas selectivity through its use of vacuum gas extraction, which operates regardless of oil temperature or gas pressure, and by employing spectral scanning to aid selectivity.
The robust and durable device has components and piping that are made of stainless steel and aluminum, features a magnetic gear pump and valves, and relies on no consumables, which would require servicing or replacing. With a practical browser-based user interface, the device has no need for additional software.
Reducing Lifetime Costs Across Transformer Fleets
- DGA analysis has long been accepted as one of the most effective means of assessing transformer condition, said Teemu Hanninen, Product Manager at Vaisala.
- At Vaisala, we recognized that there was room to improve the reliability, usability and lifetime costs of the existing devices, and we decided to take on the challenge. With its proven durability and sensors protected from contamination, Optimus has shown that it can deliver reliable and accurate data.