SDT Announces 2nd Generation Ultranalysis Suite Software (UAS2)
SDT has announced an upgrade to its Ultranalysis Suite Software (UAS). UAS2 features a new dashboard of powerful widgets. The dashboard brings together all database elements required to trend and analyze ultrasound and vibration data.
With thousands of installations world-wide, UAS sets the standard for ultrasound analysts on five continents.
- Ultrasound provides unmatched versatility for ultrasound inspectors. UAS2 is a fulfillment of our promise to explore new ideas, improve existing ones, and create new applications for our customers, Andre Degraeve, SDT Managing Director, says.
Ultrasound inspectors now have powerful control of every aspect of the trending and analyzing tasks. Dashboards bring essential information into focus. Everything is controlled from the Measurement Matrix. The Matrix gives a snapshot of every measurement assigned to an asset. A single click on a measurement instantly builds a Trend Graph, Time Waveform, and Spectrum view. And that's when the fun really begins.
New Dashboards in UAS2 give unprecedented analytical power. Select the view (trend/time/spectrum) and explode it to quarter pane or full screen analytical view. Recall customizable and savable Single/Delta/Periodic cursors at will. UAS2 automatically labels the top ten highest impact events. With 8k sampling frequency, smart zoom mouse control drills down to the nanosecond to view every measurement collected by your SDT270. Select and remove bad sections of data from your dynamic signal; UAS2 automatically recalculates the RMS/Peak/CF values from the edited signal. A scrolling playback cursor visually directs you through the time signal during playback. Now you can follow along to every defect as UAS2 traces each ultrasonic crackle, click and rub.
- DT pioneered data management software since the 1990's. The first company to offer fee-based software licenses, UAS2 is another example of our continued reinvestment in our solutions. SDT customers expect value for their investment, and UAS2 delivers, Allan Rienstra, Director of Business Development, says.
Hear More about Ultranalysis Suite 2: