Modern Equipment Reliability Improvement Systems
Every organization that manages electromechanical equipment must define strategies for optimizing its reliability so that activities are not interrupted unpredictably.

In recent years, the application of maintenance systems to ensure business continuity by selecting a mixture of maintenance types as defined even in standard EN 13306 is increasing.
In its most advanced form, whether it is condition-based or for prognostic (predictive) maintenance, knowledge of the status of the equipment wear level or the causes of wear on it is required.
This can be done with the help of the senses of the human resources that take care of the equipment but mainly with the use of sensors. They are techniques that are also used for the human body.
With today’s sensor equipment monitoring systems, a maintenance strategy based on monitoring this condition can prove to be highly effective.
Maintenance is performed mainly when necessary, thus reducing the need for a planning strategy.
This article discusses how to prepare an organization for the installation of a diagnostic / prognostic (predictive) maintenance system.
The ultimate goal is to increase the availability of your equipment.
1 The Reason You Need Such A System
The first and most important step is to define the goals and the depth of analysis required. This will create processes that are perfectly aligned with your needs.
For such system, the reasons that make its implementation necessary for your organization must be identified.
This can cover any failures of the present system, pecularities of your equipment, and even the management of your human resources.
Regardless of the reasons leading to the search for such a system, determining the causes will lead to the most appropriate solution.
2 Determine if Your Organization Is Ready to Implement
Once you have set your goals, you need to check that everything is ready for the implementation of a condition monitoring system. This includes both the readiness for the new technology you will apply and the pre-existing culture.
In more detail, try to determine the attitude of the maintenance team towards the data coming from a system that will include sensors, as well as familiarity with these systems.
3 Start with Critical Equipment Items
Before applying the system, it would be advisable to test it on some selected components of the equipment.
Start with a criticality analysis. Very critical equipment requires constant monitoring, less critical periodic and less critical is not worth monitoring (operation until fault occurs). After completing this process, you will have a clear view of the roadmap to follow.
4 Define the Budget
The cost of implementing such systems varies depending on the needs that will be determined by the criticality analysis and the supplier you choose. Before you begin installing the system you need to create a budget plan.
5 Calculate the Expected Return on Investment Ratio
Modern equipment reliability optimization systems are investments that must pay off.
Any halt of equipment that interrupts the process that it performs, affects the performance of the organization that this equipment serves.
There are specific methods to estimate the expected return on investment of such a novel system. The cost per hour of lost activity and the cost of repair are usually used.
In any case, if you are able to maintain your equipment on time, you can achieve a positive indicator.
6 Include the Other Departments of your Organization
To be successful, you must benefit from the involvement of the rest of your organization.
Take the time to explain the benefits of the new technology and how it will affect each department.
In addition, train your maintenance team to be aware of the capabilities offered in order for the condition monitoring equipment to become a tool. This way, you will strengthen their trust in the system, they will appreciate the help it provides and they will use it to the fullest.
7 Record the Process
Every organization has different needs that must be met by a system to improve the reliability of the equipment. During its implementation, make sure that you have thoroughly researched each of your options. So before you decide, ask and find out everything you need to know.
These steps will prepare you for the effective implementation of a reliability improvement system by knowing the condition of your equipment and the rate at which it wears out, so that you can take the necessary steps… when needed.
Arpedon can be your valuable partner in such an endeavor.