Neste and Alaska Airlines sign partnership to fly more sustainably
As part of Alaska Airlines’ ongoing efforts to fly greener and expand the use of sustainable aviation fuels, Neste and Alaska Airlines have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The agreement will allow Neste and Alaska to more closely work together to design, create and implement solutions that lay the groundwork for the wider adoption of renewable fuels within the airline industry.
As the leading U.S. airline on the 2017 Dow Jones Sustainability Index , Alaska recognizes that the move toward sustainable aviation fuels will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce turbine emissions, and potentially provide other performance and operational benefits. Companies share the view that closer collaboration within the industry and with key partners will help create the “lift” necessary to help move aviation in the right direction.
Alaska, working with other airlines, is addressing the reality of climate change by adopting targets to mitigate CO2 emissions from air transport. The aviation industry has set ambitious targets to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from air transportation, including carbon-neutral growth from 2020 and beyond, and a 50 percent reduction of net aviation CO2 emissions by 2050 relative to 2005 levels.
In addition to the reduction of emissions and as part of its sustainability platform , Alaska is identifying operational efficiencies that will protect the environment. These include efficient aircraft design, optimized approach paths that reduce fuel use, in-cabin recycling and reduced paperwork and paper consumption. Alaska has a long history of pioneering innovative partnerships to lower impact, and this agreement is another positive step.
At present, the only viable replacement for fossil jet fuel as an energy source for commercial aviation is sustainable aviation biofuel. Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel technology has been proven in thousands of commercial flights and can be easily adopted by airlines without the need for additional investments in new jet engines or segregated fuel distribution system.