New Online Tool for Testing Organisations’ AI Maturity
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way society functions and opening up new business opportunities. AI is expected to increase automation and boost productivity. However, organisations should first understand their own readiness for taking advantage of AI. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT) has developed an online tool that organisations can use to test their AI maturity.
The tool gives organisations a quick and easy way to find out how ready they are to harness the power of artificial intelligence. VTT’s online tool is available for all organisations, free of charge, at . With the tool, organisations can test their AI maturity in six dimensions, including e.g. strategy and management, competences and cooperation, and technology.
- The results are shown in a graph that helps organisations identify their most important areas for improvement. However, it is important to remember that the appropriate maturity level of an organisation always depends on the nature of its business and its status in the value network. The goal is therefore not necessarily to achieve the highest level of maturity in all the dimensions”, explains Senior Scientist Olli Kuusisto from VTT.
The business potential of artificial intelligence still largely untapped
The tool was developed on the basis of the work done in Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator resulting to an AI index, which was published in connection with the 2018 national Digibarometer survey. The survey revealed that it is not technology or access to technology that organisations find most challenging. Instead, they struggle with understanding the business potential of artificial intelligence and lack of competent staff.
- Taking advantage of artificial intelligence leads not only to higher productivity but also to new operating models, processes and business opportunities. It changes job descriptions and creates new professions and roles. The key question is how we can learn to use artificial intelligence in a way that adds value – in both private and public sector, Kuusisto says.
The new tool complements VTT’s existing digital maturity test. Organisations can test their digital maturity at . The two tools are independent of each other, and the tests can be taken either separately or together.
More information on Artificial Intelligence Accelerator:
More information on Digibarometer survey (in Finnish, AI Index pp. 10-20):